Fear of the color or chromophobe


Chromophobe or fear of colors is often seen in people with rapid reaction to certain olors. Such people can completely exclude a specific color from his life, avoiding it at all. The fear of each color has also its name, for example, the fear of red is photophobia, and yellow — xanthophobia. Interestingly that colorblind people can suffer chromatophobia too. Life for these people becomes extremely problematic as the contemplation or the presence of a number of various colors and shades causes panic or anxiety.


According to researchers, this fear is related to some subconscious instincts of human. It is known that the most poisonous insects and animals painted in bright colors – red, orange, yellow. Such color as though hints to a predator that extraction is dangerous and it is better to avoid it in every possible way. This is the main explanation for the irritant effect caused by the «flashy» colors of objects.

Any long-forgotten event usually leads to the development of the disease, for example: a small child wandered to the slaughterhouse and now the red color is subconsciously associated with fear, death and disgust. Over time, the child will grow up and forget about the case with the slaughterhouse, and the nervous system's fear of color will grow into a phobia. The subconscious mind deliberately builds guard to protect themselves from the danger associated with a particular color.


Treatment and symptoms

Among the symptoms of chrometophobia: increased pressure, a sense of panic, increased heart rate, nausea, dyspnea, chills — and these are just some of the symptoms. Fortunately, this rather specific phobia in the modern world has already learned to treat quite effectively. When the patient in a conscious age can remember the reason of the scare of his childhood event, then he will understand how unfounded his fear of this or that color. He learn how to gradually control it and can be cured of chromatophobia.

The patients can take drugs in the presence of bright colors if necessary to restrain the panic attack symptoms. However, they are not an independent method of treatment.
