Colors of the future through the eyes of filmmakers

Unexpected combinations of colours, lots of neon, natural, muted and luxurious, rich colors – these are just a few color trends that in the opinion of science fiction filmmakers await us in the not very distant future. What other read in this article.

Let`s review only movie fiction writers, in the filmography of which there are at least a few pictures about the future. Book fiction will not be here, because it is very problematic to imagine in which colors they saw the future.

Ridley Scott: natural, muted, sickly yellow

According to Ridley Scott filmmaker, the future will be colored mostly with muted shades of natural colors, because most of people will move to permanent residence in the space. The action takes place in a closed space with insufficient light: buildings, cabins of spaceships, corridors of the extraterrestrial colonies, just like in a submarine. Bright colors in this future there are no jobs.

In the interiors of the spaceship «Nostromo» (Alien 1979) there are only natural, not distorted colors and shades.

Dirty yellow is also the main color in «Prometheus» by Ridley Scott. Shades of yellow, sickly colors slowly affect the final perception of the movie, made «Prometheus» very expressive.

Yellow accent is everywhere, this pastel yellow-green creates a feeling of lifelessness. Each frame in the film is sterile, cold, as if treated with bleach.

Neil Blomkamp: the muted, apocalyptic shades

The entire filmography of the South African science fiction filmmaker Neill Blomkamp (District 9, Elysium, Chappie) riddled with social problems and colors of dust, dirt and poverty - the dull, muted shades.

Denis Villeneuve: neon, luxury gold

Blade runner 2049 vivid example of how color and light help filmmaker to create the right atmosphere.

Each color has thousands of shades, and every shade carries a specific idea. It helps the author to properly convey idea to the viewer. 

Analyzing the colors of the movies, we can conclude that the filmmakers predict not very the bright, saturated and colourfull future for us.
