Color harmony in photography

Surely each of you can remember the photos that are impressed by the color. Moreover, the presence of bright, catchy shades in such cases is not at all important. They stand out due to the particular combination of colors. To benefit from countless combinations of colors, you need at least a little understanding of color theory. Let's see how it helps to make your photos better.

The color wheel

About color wheel we had a separate article. He came to photography from painting, because in the begining of evolution photographers tried in every way to imitate the artists of that time. The purpose of the circle is to show how to combine the colors and how to achieve their interaction. With color wheel we can quickly and easily choose the most successful combinations of colors. For creating harmonious photos we will equip with two useful tools: Color wheel and its convenient variation for camera phone Live palette. Let us choose one of the most appropriate color schemes.

A monochrome scheme. This scheme uses shades of just one color, changing only the saturation or brightness. It is quite simple to apply this scheme in a photo, because the less color — the easier it is to combine them.

Contrast (or complementary scheme). Used in photography most often. The essence of the contrast in the selection of directly opposite colors on the circle. Suitable in the case when you need to keep attention. In the Instagram ribbon, these photos literally jump on the viewer, forcing to open and examine the details more closely.

Triade. The scheme of the three, equidistant from each other colors. Provides high contrast while maintaining harmony. Such a composition looks quite lively even when using pale and unsaturated colors.

Color harmony in photography is extremely important. In fact, this is a selection of colors that blend perfectly together. The color helps to create the mood of a photo, to highlight a specific object against the gloomy background. Simple tools will help you to make a perfect, expressive photos that will attract attention again and again.

Take a note: An article about why people needs in harmony...
