What does the color of the lightsaber mean?


Initially, the Director of the epic George Lucas imagined that it would be only two colors – red and blue, symbolizing the Light and Dark side force, Sith and Jedi. It is the color of the blade was supposed to help the viewer to better distinguish between good and evil characters on the screen. Swords other colors began to appear in subsequent films and animated series Star wars universe.

The blue blade. Blue blade not for nothing is a classic – it's the first lightsaber, which was shown to the audience in a New hope. And, because of Anakin Skywalker and Obi-WAN Kenobi was blue swords, we can assume that this is the standard color for Jedi knights – the main active force of the order.

A green blade. Sword green was used by the Jedi-the consuls, carrying the galaxy peace and tried to avoid the use of their weapons. In the movies the owners of these swords were: qui-gon Jin, Yoda and grown-up Luke Skywalker. The reason for choosing this color simple. Sword in «return of the Jedi» was originally blue, but since the shooting took place on the street, the color of the blade merged with the sky. Therefore it was decided to replace the green.


The red blade. If you see a red lightsaber flashed in a dark alley, that is bad news. The red color of the blade is the hallmark of the Sith – the representatives of the Dark side of the force. It symbolises anger and anger. Red lightsabers are made of synthetic crystals. During the Assembly of the Creator pouring into it all their negative emotions, making this weapon even more sinister. A similar tradition existed for a long time, but is firmly entrenched with the filing of Darth Vader.


Purple blade. Purple blade shows the relation of the owner with a Light and Dark side of the force. These are owned by only the most bold and daring Jedi. In the real world purple lightsabers because so wanted Samuel L. Jackson. Because he had to be in a massive battle scene next to the other Jedi, a unique color to allow the actor to stand out on their background.

Yellow blade. Yellow blade used by Jedi guardians who managed to find the perfect balance between Power and lightsaber. The color of the swords these guys, something like a traffic light: saw a yellow – better slow down.


Black blade. A black lightsaber is a unique weapon even by the standards of Star wars. At least until such time as Disney decides to change the Canon. The sword was created by mandalore carrom Vizslas and long time were stored in the Jedi Temple after his death. In addition to color, its hallmarks were high-pitched and flat blade, reminiscent of traditional edged weapons.


If we take into account the so-called expanded universe, which includes not only the officially released movies, but also books, comics and cartoons, the color of the blade of the lightsaber can be literally anything. That is, if you decide to go the way of the Jedi, you can choose any color you like.

