The fashion on the color in games

The color is the most available way to increase the variety of game content. The capabilities of the graphics subsystem and the popularity of certain genres of video games determine the choice of the main color palette of the game.

Below there are examples of how the popularity of colors in computer games has changed over the years. 

If in the late 80's, early 90's computers and game consoles could display a limited number of colors, and the resources of the graphics system were very limited, then over time the situation began to change.The designers, the artists and the game developers no longer need to use bright primary colors. There was an opportunity to display game universes in more realistic colors and semitones. As you can see, after 2012, faded colors and shades begin to dominate in games, even the red color fades slightly, giving way to muffled, realistic and «atmospheric» shades. The discoloration and toning in modern games is not without purpose: the games look more natural, allowing players to fully immerse themselves in the game process.

Plus, the choice of mostly faded tones is due to the fashion for games in the post-apocalyptic entourage and survival simulators in the natural environment. And, of course, in a world that has survived a nuclear war or an invasion of zombies, there can be no question of any bright colors.

Of course, the trends do not stand still, and with the appearance of new topics in computer games, colors will change.
