The colors of Wes Anderson


When talking about Wes Anderson, people always notice a few features of his style: symmetry, puppet animation, a great soundtrack and of course the color palette.

The color has always been the main feature of the Anderson films. This independent film director always prefers soft pastel colors - no matter it is landscape, or the interior of the house, or a suit of one of the characters in the movie.

It is difficult to imagine «The excellent Mr. Fox» without golden and amber hues, «Hotel Grand Budapest» without different shades of pink and blue.

Anderson's style so recognizable, that has already become part of modern pop culture. People look at reality through the eyes of Anderson, showing you all of this in Instagram, shoot a parody video about how could look a particular film if it was shot by the Anderson.

Amazing color palette leads to the fact that the films of Wes Anderson can be recognized instantly, by one frame. You can see more palettes in the video below:

(Video: «the colour palette by Wes Anderson»)

Undoubtedly, the favorite color Anderson is yellow, bright yellow color is present literally everywhere, in every picture.

And even if you simplify the film to a banal sets of colors, then even fans of the film maker will be able to understand who is who.
